October 5, 2020 11:11 pm
Published by Writer
If you’re a business owner, you know how full your plate can get. Keeping up with tax records and payroll, making sure the utility bills are paid, ensuring you’re on top of inventory—it can all add up to a huge expenditure of time and money. On top of all this is likely your highest priority: the safety and security of the employees who work under you. You can help with this by providing them with a secure workplace, and part of that is making sure your door locks, your first line of defense, are properly maintained. The need to rekey... View Article
April 14, 2020 11:20 pm
Published by Writer
Have you been considering changing your locks? This is probably the case if you’ve recently moved into a new place, had to fire an employee, lost your keys or had a roommate move out. However, changing your locks isn’t the only option—there’s actually another cheaper, better option available, and that is rekeying your existing locks. If you own a type of property that requires frequent key changes (such as a multifamily apartment building or a commercial building), then you’ll find rekeying will save you a lot of money over changing the locks. Here’s what you should know about the process—and... View Article
March 17, 2020 3:56 pm
Published by Writer
If you buy a new home, there’s a whole laundry list of projects that you’ll probably want to tackle right off the bat. You likely need to give a fresh coat of paint to at least a few rooms, you might want to work on the roof or you might like to take a look at redoing the bathroom or kitchen. There are typically things that you need to address, but there are also security questions that you should take care not to neglect. Our top home security tips in Toledo, OH include working on the locks of your home... View Article
April 5, 2019 9:40 pm
Published by Writer
Take a minute and do a key count in your head—exactly just how many of your house keys are out there? Right now, how many people have easy access to your home because they have a key? While everyone living in the house should have their own key, and it’s also a good idea to have at least one spare, anyone can take your key and make a copy without your ever knowing it. But there’s good news if you suspect that this has happened or if certain situations pop up: you can rekey your locks. Instead of replacing the... View Article
September 22, 2018 2:10 am
Published by Writer
When you are having trouble with the operation of your locks, it might initially be difficult determining if your locks need a simple rekey, or a full replacement. In many cases, though, unless there is excessive damage or your locks are particularly old, rekeying locks in Toledo, OH may be just what is needed to take care of the issues you are experiencing. Here are a few instances when rekeying your locks is the best solution. Lock rejuvenation Even if your lock is in pretty good shape, a rekey will allow a locksmith to rejuvenate the condition of your locks... View Article