March 17, 2023 10:08 pm
Published by admin
Whether you have keys for your house, apartment, or garage, it’s important to know what type of key you have. That way, you can feel confident that you have the right level of security for your home. There are many different types of house keys to choose from. Let’s take a closer look at each one to learn more about what makes them so unique. Mechanically Cut Keys A mechanically cut key is a type of key that has cuttings along one edge of the blade. This allows the key to fit into the ignition only one way. Locksmiths can... View Article
March 9, 2023 10:06 pm
Published by admin
Keyless locks are a great way to make it easier to unlock doors. They come in a variety of forms including combination locks, biometrics and RFID technology. And while they are more difficult to break into than traditional locks, they are still vulnerable to hacking. Security Despite the popularity of keyless locks, the answer to the question of whether they can be hacked is yes. Just like your online bank account, smart devices can be vulnerable to hacking attacks by a skilled tech-savvy predator. The passwords you use to unlock your home or business are a security risk as well,... View Article
February 3, 2023 12:00 am
Published by admin
Many people have various doors leading to the front, back, and garage of their homes. These doors all have locks for added protection. Some homeowners even decide to make their locks fit one master key. So why have one key for all locks? Well, there are pros to having one master key, but there are also cons. Read on to find out what those are. Pros of Master Keys There are several master key pros and cons. First, let’s discuss some benefits of having all keys made into one master key. The most common reason many homeowners use one master key for all... View Article
January 3, 2019 12:20 am
Published by Writer
When you’re in need of new keys, it’s always better to work with a professional key maker in Toledo, OH rather than getting a copy quickly made at your nearest big box hardware store. Though there are some machines nowadays that make copying keys easier, there is still some artistry involved, and a bad key copy can be a huge pain to work with. Plus, most of the time the employees making the key copies don’t have any specific training in making the keys. Here are just a few ways you can tell if you’re dealing with a bad key... View Article
March 8, 2018 9:54 pm
Published by Writer
It’s an unfortunately frequent problem: you go to a big box store to get a copy made of your house keys, but find that the key you bring home doesn’t actually work—or at least, it doesn’t work well. There are some ways you can tell if you have a bad key copy before you even leave the store. Here are some tips from a key maker in Toledo, OH about how you can tell if you have a bad key copy, and also some reasons you should instead go to a professional key maker for your duplication needs: Hold the... View Article