Categories for Rekey Locks


Can All Locks be Rekeyed?

May 10, 2024 1:55 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When it comes to the security of your home or business, one important question that often arises is whether all locks can be rekeyed. Rekeying a lock is a cost-effective way to change the key that operates the lock without replacing the entire locking mechanism. In this blog post, we will explore the process of rekeying locks and whether all locks can be rekeyed. What is Lock Rekeying? Lock rekeying is a process where the internal pins and springs of a lock are changed so that a new key can operate the lock. This is done by a locksmith who... View Article

Should You Rekey or Change Locks When Moving?

August 4, 2023 10:38 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Should You Rekey or Change Locks When Moving? Moving to a new home is an exciting but hectic time. Amidst all the chaos, one crucial aspect that should not be ignored is the security of your new property. When it comes to safeguarding your home, the decision between rekeying or changing the locks can be a challenging one. In this blog post, we will explore the factors to consider when making this decision and help you determine whether you should rekey or change locks when moving. 1. Understanding Rekeying and Changing Locks Before delving into which option is best for... View Article

Can Locksmiths Program Key Fobs

November 25, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

People come to us at Toledo Lock and Key with their questions about key fob locksmith concerns and what can be done to get their key fobs programmed. Many vehicle owners prefer to use a key fob to get into their vehicle instead of trying to deal with placing the physical key into the car on their own accord. They would rather keep things as simple as possible, which is completely understandable. Thus, they want to know what locksmiths can do for them.  Can Locksmiths Program Key Fobs?  Key fobs have been around for a lot longer than most people realize. The... View Article

Replacing and Rekeying a Lock

August 12, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The locks on your home are a basic and important part of home safety and security. You want sturdy locks in-between your front door and the world at large. However, everyone has lost their keys at some point or another. When you’ve lost your keys one of your first courses of action may be to request a locksmith change locks. After all, if your keys are lost you don’t know who may find them, and getting a new lock and new keys helps keep you and your family safe. However, replacing the entire lock and the whole process of installing... View Article

What Is Rekeying Locks, and How Does the Process Work?

April 22, 2021 3:53 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

You may at some point encounter a situation in which it makes sense for you to change your locks in Toledo, OH. Perhaps you lost your keys and want to make sure you don’t have an unexpected visitor. Maybe you’ve recently moved into a new house, or had to terminate an employee at your place of business. While changing your locks is certainly an effective means of preventing unwanted intrusions, the simpler and cheaper solution is to rekey them instead. Here’s a quick overview of the rekeying process and how it differs from changing the locks in Toledo, OH. How... View Article