Categories for Smart Locks

Can Keyless Locks Be Hacked?

March 9, 2023 10:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Keyless locks are a great way to make it easier to unlock doors. They come in a variety of forms including combination locks, biometrics and RFID technology. And while they are more difficult to break into than traditional locks, they are still vulnerable to hacking. Security Despite the popularity of keyless locks, the answer to the question of whether they can be hacked is yes. Just like your online bank account, smart devices can be vulnerable to hacking attacks by a skilled tech-savvy predator. The passwords you use to unlock your home or business are a security risk as well,... View Article

How Do Smart Locks Work?

June 14, 2021 9:54 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Smart locks are an amazing new type of technology that allow for improved safety of your home or business. These locks work by connecting to your home’s wi-fi network and allowing you to both lock and unlock your doors through the use of an app. You could also set up a voice command to unlock your door while using the app. With a smart lock, you could even unlock the door when you’re not home. This is a beneficial feature if one of your family members is unable to unlock the door for any reason. Since smart locks are so... View Article