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Call a Mobile Locksmith in Toledo, OH When You Lose Your Car Keys!

October 21, 2017 5:08 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Losing your car keys can be a stressful (and potentially expensive) experience. The technology for car keys has greatly evolved over the last decade or so, with many vehicles now allowing for keyless ignition and entry. This means most car keys are now essentially miniature computers you carry around with you, which can cost a few hundred dollars to replace because of the wireless transmitters and encrypted chips. Here is an overview of the steps you should take if you lose your car keys and need to call a mobile locksmith in Toledo, OH. Older car keys If you have... View Article

Be On the Lookout for These Common Locksmith Scams: Tips from a Trustworthy Locksmith in Toledo, OH

October 7, 2017 5:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you find yourself locked out of your home or vehicle, you are going to need to call a locksmith in Toledo, OH for assistance. However, while you may wish to get the job over with as quickly as possible and get on with your day, choosing the first locksmith you come across in the phone book or on a Google search may not turn out to be the best strategy. There have been quite a few online scams in the locksmith industry over the years. One of the most common one is to pay for ads on the top... View Article