How to Identify a Bad Key Copy

March 12, 2020 3:57 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In a perfect world, any time you need a copy of a key, the new one will be just as good as the original. Unfortunately, we don’t live in that perfect world, and there are plenty of copied keys that simply don’t work. This post will teach you how to identify a bad copy and show you why you should always choose our experts for car key cutting in Toledo, OH:

  • The original is worn: Getting a perfectly duplicated key might be impossible from the outset if the teeth of the original are worn down or if the original is bent. Try to keep your original key in good condition to make it easier to receive a perfect copy.
  • It’s a copy of a copy: The more times a key is duplicated, the harder it is to get a perfect match. With each new copy, there are bound to be more imperfections. In the long run, the final copy may not work at all.
  • The two keys don’t line up: You may be able to tell if the new key is messed up by comparing the two keys side by side. The teeth and lines of the key should match up perfectly for the new key to work.
  • Wrong car make and model: If you’re having a car key duplicated, the key maker should ask for the car’s year, make and model. Without this information, it’s unlikely that you’ll get a good duplicate.
  • It wasn’t made locally: Big department stores often provide cheap key duplication services, but for the best mobile car key cutting in Toledo, OH, go to a local shop! When you go local for your new keys, you can rest assured that the job will be performed carefully and correctly.
  • There’s an inexperienced employee: If the key took a long time to duplicate or if the employee seemed unsure of himself upon returning it, he probably doesn’t have much experience duplicating keys. In this event, it’s safe to say your new key likely won’t be up to snuff.

Never get a bad key copy again!

When you need car key cutting in Toledo, OH, be sure to come to Toledo Lock & Key LLC. These are a few of the reasons why customers come to us each time they need a new key:

  • Copies for any keys: It doesn’t matter if you need a duplicate for your house key or your car key—we can handle it! We can even provide transponder fobs for newer vehicles.
  • Years of experience: We’ve been making copies for the past 40 years, so you can rest easy knowing you’ll get a perfectly duplicated key.
  • Speedy service: Getting a duplicate shouldn’t take a long time, even for a complicated transponder fob. When you hire us, you know we’ll be able to take care of you quickly and efficiently.

Whether you need a new key fob for your vehicle or a second house key for your front door, contact the experts at Toledo Lock & Key LLC. Give us a call today to learn more about our experience with mobile car key cutting in Toledo, OH.

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